
Episode 12: Shiva Rea Prana Vinyasa Flow

April 30, 2006


Episode 12 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga Instructor Shiva Rea of Pacific Palisades, California. Shiva teaches yoga at Exhale, in Venice, California, on her dvds, and at workshops throughout the world. Shiva can be found at www.shivarea.com. In this episode, Lara and Shiva talk about her teachers, trance dance, Prana Vinyasa Flow, and books she loves.

***** We experienced technical difficulties with Shiva’s interview. The audio files were corrupted and are irretrievable. Upon repeated attempts for a re-interview, our inquiries were not responded to. We hope we will be able to interview Shiva again, as we love her cosmic trance dances, and prana vinyasa flows.? We apologize for the inconvenience. Stay tuned. Much love & namaste.

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