
Upcoming interview: Twee Merrigan

Twee teaches a dynamic and challenging vinyasa flow yoga class blended with tantric, ayurvedic, and hatha yoga philosophies. She fuses her own personal life experiences with the inspirational Prana Vinyasa Flow teachings of her teacher, Shiva Rea. Through a challenging and dynamic practice, she…

April 3, 2006

Episode 8: Katchie Ananda Yoga Sangha

Teachers: David Life, Sharon Gannon, Jivamukti Yoga Krishna Das, Kirtan Sri Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Richard Freeman, Ashtanga Yoga John Friend, Anusara Yoga Jack Kornfield, Vipassana Meditation, Spirit Rock Center Books: The Path with Heart, Jack Kornfield After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, Jack Kornfield…

March 25, 2006

Episode 8 Katchie Ananda Yoga Sangha

Episode 8 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and yoga instructor Katchie Ananda of San Francisco, California. Katchie teaches yoga at her studio in the Mission District, on 16th Street, Yoga Sangha. Katchie can be found at In this episode,…

March 25, 2006

WebPeeps…sites to visit…, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Maui, Hawaii, Palo Alto, California, Vancouver, BC, Canada, New Haven, Connecticut, Washington, DC, usa, San Francisco, California, Chicago, Illinois, Venice, California, Santa Monica, California, Long Beach, California, Brighton, United…

March 24, 2006

Upcoming interview: Shiva Rea

Shiva Rea, M.A., is a leading teacher of prana vinyasa flow? yoga and yoga trance dance? worldwide. She began exploring yoga at the age of fourteen as a way to understand her name, given to her by her father, a surfer and artist. Her…

March 22, 2006

Upcoming interview: Mark Gerow Lunarhythms 4_08_06

Mark Gerow is the founder/creator of Lunarhythms Yoga?, and comes from a very diverse background. From survival instructor in the U.S. Airforce to actor in New York City, his unique blend of flowing hatha yoga combines various styles and incorporates elements to include chakras,…

March 22, 2006

Episode 7 Kimberly Wilson Hip Tranquil Chick

Episode 7 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and yoga instructor and entreprenuer, Kimberly Wilson, of Washington, D.C., capitol of the U.S.A. Kimberly teaches yoga in Washington D.C., has audio cds, created a yoga clothing line, writes a daily blog, and…

March 18, 2006

Episode 7: Kimberly Wilson Hip Tranquil Chick

Teachers: David Swenson, Ashtanga Cyndi Lee, Vinyasa Shiva Rea, Vinyasa Baron Baptiste, Power Yoga Joseph LaPage, Integrative Yoga Therapy Sarah Powers, Yin Yoga Paul Grilley, Yin Yoga Books: Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron Twelve Traits of Highly Creative Women, Gale McKinnon Living Out Loud, Keri…

March 18, 2006

Upcoming interview: Katchie Ananda 03_24_06

A former dancer in Switzerland and Brazil, Katchie fell in love with Yoga in l985 and has been a dedicated student ever since. She moved to the U.S. in 1990 where she studied Yoga for Dancers with Hillary Cartwright at the Gyrotonic White Cloud…

March 14, 2006

Episode 6: Heidi Sormaz Fresh Yoga

Teachers: Ana Forrest, Forrest Yoga, Santa Monica, California Steven Bennett, New Haven, Connecticut William CC. Chen, Chigong Books: Only Don’t Know, Seung Sahn Energy Anatomy, Caroline Myss (Audio) Website: [email protected] Mp3 audio classes:…

March 10, 2006